Saturday, April 28, 2018

Maintaining Faith and Spirituality During Illness

Letter From Ramiro Muniz to his wife and friends

The medical staff were of the opinion that I was not going to survive the illness I was enduring. They kept sharing with each other that I was not going to make it, but deep inside I was of the strong opinion that I was not going to die without your presence and your holding me as you always have from the first time that we met to this very day of our lives.

I would pray to God Almighty and ask Him to please keep me alive for you, for the family, and for all. I was not done with what He was seeking for humanity knowing that I had been chosen to carry the cross of freedom, justice, and love forever. 

There is much turmoil and it is all about spirituality in every part of the world. It is extremely sad, because our beloved savior, Jesus Christ, gave His life on the cross, so that we could love each other just as He loved us and continues to love us this very day. 

The time has come for us to demonstrate to God, to His son, Jesus Christ, and nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe that we are spiritually strong. We shall demonstrate to the world that in reality our time has come and we must return to God's ways and thank Him for the life that He continues to give us!

God knows that I am stronger in my spiritual beliefs, prayers, and meditations. 

Ramsey R. Muñiz

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