Thursday, October 15, 2015

Immediate Letters Needed from Congressmen, Organizations, and Supporters

Immediate Letter of Support Requested for Ramiro “Ramsey” Muñiz 40288-115

God is opening all doors, and we ask that you CALL AND WRITE your Congressman/Congresswoman to ask that an immediate letter of support be sent to 3 people:
1. Deborah Leff, Pardon Attorney
2. Charles E. Samuels, Jr. Director of the Bureau of Prisons
3. President Barack Obama.

The Bureau of Prisons is preparing to free thousands of prisoners with short sentences. We maintain that Ramiro R. Muñiz should be among the first to be granted freedom! He has been imprisoned over 21 years, he is 72 years of age, and his chronic medical condition has become progressively worse through the years. Please ask your congressman to express support for the immediate release of Ramsey Muñiz, 
40288-115. Their influence can be pivotal in obtaining freedom for Ramsey Muñiz and time is of the essence!  

Forward the Washington Post article to members of LULAC and other national organizations. Tell them of the urgent need for them to send immediate letters to the 3 people referenced above. Please share this message with everyone. We ask that you also write to those who have not received your letter of support.
Thank you for your assistance!

Ms. Deborah Leff
Pardon Attorney
Office of the Pardon Attorney
145 N Street NE Room 5E.508
Washington, DC 20530

Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St., NW
Washington, DC 20534 
(202) 307-3198

Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please include your e-mail address

National Political Campaign to Free Ramsey Muñiz
4833 Saratoga Blvd. #336
Corpus Christi, TX 78413
(409) 363-1878

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